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My Good Ole School Days
A History Lesson and Demographic-Assimilation Trend Warning for American Northern Europeans
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In 1955 I began going to public school. The fifties were very good years, especially for whites. WW II was over and people in America were building and growing. It was understood public policy that the white race were the beneficiaries of society. Our children of that day easily appreciated advantages and had hope of future opportunity.

My school was a consolidated school in Pennsylvania, a large, well designed, brick building with modern, neighboring community satellites that were loaded with the conveniences of the day. It was luxurious. The teachers were well paid and lived delicately. The children were mostly white. Even though some were poor, most had plenty. It was a time of social content and glory, a pleasure.

However, inauspiciously, surely as Abraham Lincoln could "conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal... "1, there was a coming challenge among the inferior races. The Southern Europeans and Puerto Ricans were esteemed generally above the blacks, but they all were against the posterity of the prosperous and happy white people. The social enemy achieved a great thwart against the white "golden days" of America with the election of Kennedy in 1960. The United States had previously survived the race abdicating effects of the Civil War, the Federal Reserve Bank, WW I and II, but it shredded our collective racial integrity and moral strength.

The increase of immigrants and people that did not have similar facial structures and skin color as we did, and could not speak English without a foreign accent was ominous. Our southern sojourners, and many of the northern people were not well educated -- the women were gullible, forebodingly docile, and prone to miscegenation -- which must have been a tempting invitation to the similarly, biblically ignorant, and perverse, newcomers of different races in our country. Our men, falling short of the conscience of Jacob, had a slight sense of racial dignity, but as if being slowly desensitized through an undermining, subtle and subversively writhing and wresting, multiracialism-and-multiculturalism-promoting oligarchy, and propaganda of a betrayed and decaying nation, lacked the insight, will and effort to provide sufficient protective isolation for their families.

Although, to the contrary of this racial-mixing downslide of our females, there were some women not so easily deceived or taken by such; this could be seen by the homogeneous traits resulting from the intellectual and authoritarian walk of the more educated, white school teachers: perhaps, a manifestation that previous state education favored morality and white autonomy. Nevertheless, with many negative signs of spiritual weakness among our race appearing, there were many positive, economic opportunities; it did not look at the time as if the country or white dominance was really coming down in a flash.

Suggestively referred previously through the exposure of our distress, the desire for homogeneity was generally expected among us, although, some of the lower-status, white women acted without racial discernment (contrary to the lesson taught by Rachel), and dated or inter-married among non-Northern-European descendants. This was due to lack of biblical knowledge and homogeneity discipline among American whites.

Adding to our problems if not instigating them, an inherent part of our affliction was caused by contemporary, controlled public information; however, it was not on such a blatant, adverse, grand scale as today. The voice of progressive, white autonomy was slightly suppressed among the general population because of a resulting, false impression of Jewish immigrant sovereignty through an illusive media and harmful, white race abdication effect of WW II. White students, some more so than others, indirectly suffered from a lack of knowledge of racial-autonomy responsibility of their parents. As vulnerable prey among predators, we also were afflicted with deceitful, gainsaying, willfully deluding, compromising, political officials, negligent executives, and the illicit passion (note Mein Kampf) of opposing races desiring parasitically to mix with the nation's founders' heir rather than co-existently and separately developing within their own genetic kind.

White children played games and associated with non-white children. Nevertheless, youth association among the males was not necessarily infectious. It was not a serious problem back then because the white race sustained a designated, aggregate and decisive degree of government and social favor. Although existing security and white controlling social influence had been continually fading, white children could still enjoy sports without suffering demeaning humiliation and go to class with a feeling of appreciation and racial sovereignty. As a community or state social virtue in respect of white race preeminence, many hotels, restaurants and other enterprises disallowed even black celebrity baseball players privileges of white people without much public complaint, if any. Dissension against pursuit of white autonomy was not popular.

Likewise concerning determined advantage, white men, our providers, although many were handicapped and dwarfed from success by lack of education, had opportunity for work and superior position to a certain, but other-race-infiltrated, limited degree. White racial preference was the socially accepted norm. Real estate laws did not strictly hinder us from living among ourselves. The streets were generally safe back then also. I don't think I can remember one black or oriental news forecaster on TV. It was a time when people thought White.

I have learned one thing for sure concerning my youth experience, a public school is an institution (among many others of various sorts) of infrastructure treachery. With some Christian mannerisms, it was delightful in its helpful ways, but abusive in respect to its intolerance against the prevalence of biblical instruction. Upon very important and relevant issues, political or legal policy disallowed the reign of grace and spiritual knowledge. A certain teacher in elementary school that I remember specifically -- I think she was from a Quaker background, or at least many of the people in our locality had Quaker roots and employed themselves in government institutions -- never exhorted the children as a class from buying or selling interest-earning bonds, school savings bonds. This error of disregard, however subtle it may seem, was one of the main elements of the American downfall: tolerating or promoting a finance mechanism and system that would bring the society and nation into captivity and ruin.

The teacher was benefiting and living in seemingly indifferent complacence at the expense of student naiveté and detriment. She was enjoying tax-paid-by-the-people income while allowing the children to deteriorate and fall into an anti-church, undermining financial propaganda and practice. She may have lacked the knowledge or hidden it ... I don't know which, but she was concurrently personally gaining financially as an employee (in a position to instruct, correct or reprove) while the children were being trifled and gradually losing their country. This is a typical example of how children were misled rather than educated in state or public school systems.

Days were happy, exciting and generally, socially comfortable in grade school. Allegiance to the flag and prayer was said in the mornings. As I look back, I would not recommend saying the allegiance to the flag. The flag is a state banner, not a Christian banner.

Racial strife lingered among an infected society and seemed to be more of a problem among the Italians than the Hispanics and blacks. They could compete with us much better because they were lighter in color than their competitors. However, all the other races could benefit through unrestrictive capitalism and our demise at the same time. Although we had not lost our sovereignty to a great degree at that time, there was a deceptive rationalization conspiracy promoted among the avaricious non-whites. There was insult and manifest rebellion against white social advantage and harmony. One of the most horrible incidents that I can remember is when an Italian boy in a rage (perhaps from a matter of misdirected anger due to hate arising from racial envy) punched our pregnant, fifth-grade teacher in the stomach. She was a dear Southerner lady, gracious, gentle and encouraging. She deserved praise, not harm, but the glory of the nation was vanishing as racial violence and uprising against the white establishment was overlooked and not attended with immediate vengeance of the state. Whether or not her child was hurt, I don't know, but she did not return to our school the following year as I recall, and I don't know what ever became of her. I don't know whether the boy suffered any severe punishment for the crime.

As I left the sixth grade, I no longer went to the recently built branch that I had begun in third grade, which was only about a mile from where I lived. I returned to the relatively larger, main building, where I had been taught in the first and second grade. The older, multi-level school, annexed with other buildings on the same slope, offered quite a new program also.

The classes required more study and homework, which was a good thing, but demanding, especially for a student who worked a job after school. However, I was discouraged and deterred from studying well because of the personalities of the teachers, who seemed like strangers even after being acquainted with them. This probably happened to many of my white friends as well as perhaps others.

Many of the teachers looked like a typical white, but they seemed un-American and anti-white (with a stance not favoring the Northern European descendant), and were recognizably anti-Christian, indifferent or even hateful, or just plain out arrogant, greedy or stubborn (as if they were getting paid more than their share and knew they could get away with it regardless whether the student learned anything or not). America had experienced financial prosperity and the institutional staff thrived. Some of the teachers, unlike others of the founding community and evidently not from a Quaker background, would not have had things so well if they had not been hires-for-blood in WW II. Naturally beside themselves reflecting their personal experiences, but not necessarily eclectic or correct, the outspoken male instructors similarly spoke sharply with an intimidating impressiveness as they taught the students to know their decision to kill, or to be a soldier, and how their idea of military subjugation made former contemporary and present life better.

Public schooling is customarily illusive, without taking into consideration the possibility of personally vindicative teachers, of which I suspected some. Even as Hollywood actors or news correspondents impressively transmit ill attitudes or a vacuum of lack of intelligence or suspense by premeditation through attractive, able bodied men or beautiful women giving one side of a story, similarly, anti-Christian, state-subservient teachers pass off ignorance and harmful, elusive, postures through their actions, neglect or fear of explaining -- the difference between politically correct and biblically correct -- why things are as they are.

Life became more harsh and the social apprehensions more numerous as a growing individual and student in a mostly white, although anti-cultural (relatively, contra-cultural) and multicultural setting. Few of the children (or teens) were leading Christians. Although most white students were generally friendly and helpful, there were rare contentions and difficulties due to immaturity even among the upright, white students at times, let alone the bullies, wicked cliques of various grade levels and unbelieving or anti-Christians of our own race. The more parentally supported, admirable and academically praiseworthy, white students excelled in intellectual activity, and perhaps social contentment as well, as also did many Italians, and exceptional students of other races. Students, who were less studious and naughty, were punished when they were caught doing wrong, but loving kindness and warm correction, which invites repentance, was seldom executed among the institutional staff, if ever.

The promotion and prospect of brotherly love and white prosperity seemed to evade the social atmosphere with protagonism of get-what-you-can-out-of-it, devilish, socially indifferent teachers and somewhat academically-prejudiced, class-alienated students, rivaling races and cultures. The school administration proved its general diabolic mentality unknowingly and happily, calling its sport team "demons" -- only the wicked can rejoice in the wicked. Also, the young girls were deterred from learning appropriate dress and racial self-determination praise concept through the multicultural parading and flaunting of half-nakedness by instructor-encouraged, unlearned cheerleaders. Furthermore, the students, male and female, were demoralized with the administrative hypocrisy of mixing honor with error and sin by condoning the employment of a teacher known to be living in fornication (remarriage: adultery) although the frequency of professional status immorality was nothing like today. Nevertheless, it seemed the education consolidation gave the students a pass to err and ok-ed corruption by hiring him.

It became much more of a struggle to socially associate and compete among various colored students from different backgrounds than those of my own race. Due to the lack of unity of our people, and the USA's negligence of not resisting national fraud through subverting, anti-American politicians, and failing to hold its people's land (note Mein Kampf) for perpetual inheritance (even as Lincoln's only-one-white-race view equivalently implied such a real estate result for the Northern European), the Italians, next to the Jews, and other races began buying much of our land on credit. Their ability to expand and educate themselves on our soil increased. Foreign investors took advantage of our loss of control of government. The fraudulently advancing non-white, according to the founder established "one race" idea, became partially, inter-socially acceptable with the white, which instituted a more serious conflict against our dying endeavor for posterity. This disadvantaged us and gave the non-white students a contemporary license to invade our peace in contradiction to the will of our founders and Constitution. Such social and geographical divisions hindered our ability to promote efficaciously natural, happy, homogeneous congregation.

As the year levels passed onto the next, lives of potential great youth became more hardened, defrauded and misled through lack of love and spiritual guidance. Desire to learn was stifled. Especially for the less prodded at home, group social support, intellectual challenge and student encouragement was hard to find. Generally, the counselors were discouraging and disgusting rather than helpful. It seemed as if the school wanted to advance some of the new-hires or substitutes, whose ideas were more anti-manliness and anti-posterity promoting than the almost counsel-worthless and already indentured old staff, so as to find a job or develop an undeserving career at the detriment of the student's future. Students were expected to entertain or appease irreligious, teacher-benefiting, state, political or even deviate and degrading, personal, social dogma for a substitute of guidance and on-target discipline. Public schooling no doubt had its teaching deficits. From hindsight, a private school, although most parents who really don't care about their children would not bother to make the extra effort to send them to a better place for learning, may have been significantly helpful in comparison. Personally affectionate, time-and-effort-spending teachers know leading an orchestra or performing surgery requires genuine, student care and continuous, book-taught, skill encouragement more so than being supervised how to clean a landscape or dig a ditch. The public school personnel did not seem to really care.

If a Christian student has ever had to survive a non-Christian school, then he should also recognize we need our own educational institutions. It is reasonable to acknowledge the world needs educational institutions, and in my youth many of the public school instructors or counselors may have been fine people, but Christian nurture can not be substituted. Even children and teens with parental and other group support such as church attendance need personal guidance, woe be, and may God help the child that doesn't have either source of Christian love and direction!

There was a noticeable change in saying prayer in the latter grades. I can't remember whether it was even on the day's agenda in High School. Although prayer did show some state favor toward reverence unto God, not all wanted to say prayer or believed in God. This separated the school congregation. It would have been much more effective to allow those who wanted to say prayer to do so, and release the others from the room until thanksgiving, praise, and supplication were finished. This would have demonstrated that antagonism against those showing reverence toward God and his son, Jesus, would not be tolerated through state indifference. The USA had been historically in its legal manner a Christianity-spreading nation among a former, almost all-white population, not a nation that advocated irreverence or religions contrary to Christianity, even though there were previous factions. Usually, the prayer, if and when it was said, came from rote (although still very lifting), the Lord's prayer: "Our Father, ... in heaven ... ", not from selective, group individual appeal unto God.

Nevertheless, the state continued to honor the white dream partially and to some extent, and the days were still generally happy and opportune.

Some of our young women (students) were dignified, gracious and inspiring. The more lovely possessed attractiveness within a range from awesome to rare-jewel beauty; mannerly belles with such stunning facial or body physique seemed to force praise or attention with acumen from the admiration of the onlooker. It was strikingly convincing that our ancestry previously had done something genetically extraordinary -- there was no other race among us as fair and pure.

The spiritually growing young ladies (or teens), although many had been taught from shallow rather than learned Christian backgrounds, reasoned from Biblical principle among the many people of adverse religions (such as Roman Catholicism, impostor "Jewism" or degenerate acceptance of such) and other people who did not. Chastity was partially an impressed virtue at that time even at the state level, but occasions of loss of virginity without marriage occurred among the school population. It was a natural obligation of our race to denounce proliferation of inter-racial (although we should not limit it), sexual abuse of our women at that time as always; however, the anti-white media and inter-racial intruders were pushing for immorality and further dilution of our racial unity and eroding, homogeneous bond. It was as if the wicked not among our race delighted among themselves in the fall or seduction of a white female as a step of progress. Pastoral support among the students was very rare in the school. Chastity support and lack of biblical law was even missing in the more separate and religious schools. I wonder what a blessing our precious young women missed by not being taught fundamentals such as wearing a covering and learning Amish or Mennonite principles of self-dependence and family oriented conduct! Of course, these good things were not emphasized, or even mentioned, in such a subverted, Socialist institution.

I began high school in 1963. After eight years of learning and child social experience, things were still good for the white student and myself even at that time. There were prospects for better jobs and advanced schooling in the future. My elementary and high school days had begun not long after blacks and other races were tolerated to go to school with whites through anti-white, adverse legal manipulation, another detrimental effect resulting after the needless WW II. However, the white had continued to be generally respected in many, good and advantageous ways by the people and government. The white first was accepted policy, although, our schools and other institutions had become strongly infiltrated with those against social fidelity and white happiness.

Before I left public school, the Viet Nam war had begun and many whites were misled into going to battle for the government (or the anti-white demise). The real battle was spiritual. The war we should have been fighting was the harmless-as-a-dove, racial war, with wisdom, social separation policy and solidarity against our adversaries, those against our posterity, but the public school teacher that would say that and give a life witness of his integrity to a student was far and few between; the worldly teachers were disabled through salary-receiving deference to their times-changing, school, anti-government-promoting policies, to the extent they were disinterested in effectual, student education or posterity. Christian teaching can not be left out of education, nor can posterity and integrity prosper without purity and protective isolation. As you may see through hindsight, many students of public schools were deprived of direction and ended up going on to a needless war instead of maturing, taking leading positions in science, education, law, and advancing their white posterity.

Racial riots (usually among black, adults) also broke out in various cities in the late sixties. America's public school system had been leavened with the mixing of other races and the results from its tolerance were manifested. The country among its immigrants had been festering in ungratefulness and increasing animosity toward the superior race, deteriorating, not progressing. The happy, white prosperity, school days were over. It was only a few years later (early seventies) that Affirmative Action and civil fraud of the white was made law. A tyrannous government took place. The white first political, social concept existed in America no longer. The inferior races, protagonists and unhappy adversaries could gnash their teeth with a shine on their face because of the new regime. America's public school teachers and many others had concededly failed, willingly or through government pressure, to teach the student and community the needed information that a little leaven leavens the whole, obvious and Protocolic as it may have been.

Signs of the decades manifesting America's downfall were appearing in large scale. Great calamity had struck!

However, back to a recollection of the fifties and sixties, concerning my elementary, junior and senior, high school journey, let me end by saying that I can thank God for many precious, brotherly-loving-and-loved, beautiful, protected and peaceful, public school days among those not against our posterity, and many wonderful blessings through general, state favor of the white. Blessed be the Lord, amen.

I have deep grief that other white children do not have the same superior, social status and opportunity that many others and I had, even though we actually needed more help than that -- we needed the encouragement to dedicate, not just entertain, our lives to Bible education. Since times are much worse and government has been overthrown, I would like to persuade every parent or guardian to take his child out of public school or any other place of such mixed, social affliction and tyranny. There is still hope of autonomy happiness, only now we are much more limited in opportunities. Children can have a very happy life if they are taught at any God-honoring, homogeneity promoting institution, whether the home, Christian or private school.

Br. Ken


KHS Class of 1967--40th Reunion

Since I never considered my school as a union due to such racial and cultural adversity, I couldn't anticipate a re-union. Before the Civil War, a segregated, democratic republic existed and people had more in common, perhaps even up until the early 50's, but not now. Therefore, although I have precious sentiment, love and Godly concern for the people of the class regardless of subrace, mixture, culture or contra-culture (many that I remember were not in the pictures), I was not present.

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Be faithful!



Future: What the future looks like


Present: Our hope now: to rebuild among ourselves


What it was like before my school days:


"Although separate racial schools have always been maintained in the South, it is understandable that in some sections of the North, East, and West where there were only few Negro families that the frugal, economic, money-saving objectives of town, city, county or state officials permitted the dangerous and destructive practice of integrating the few Negro children in their midst into the white schools. Little did these planners of the past dream of the great harm they were doing the white race by not enforcing the absolute segregation of the races in their school systems. As the Negro population has migrated from the South to all parts of our common country, more and more of the white people of those sections are realizing the great crime they have committed against the white children and the white race."1


Take Your Choice
Separation or Mongrelization

By Theodore G. Bilbo
Poplarville, Mississippi, 1947


Civil War Era: Rebecca Latimer Felton
Loyal Roman Catholic women in the Civil War: Myrta Lockett Avary





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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.

The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

Jesus is our hope.

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