Sources for relating Information:


Land: A Material Basis for Autonomy

An important lesson to learn from the failing Hebrews is that God ran them out of their given land because of their lack of faith and disobedience to him, especially concerning the messiah (Dt. 18: 15-19). Hence, considering their rebellion, wandering, misery and suffering, and failure to repent, no Gentile should ever have wanted to let such a dispersed person or disingenuous proselyte, especially the more heretical, manage his affairs. However, gullibility or indifference to this wisdom and hindsight has been one of America's greatest and fatal errors.

A major event concerning the demise of the USA began with insider special-interest-rule and the Federal Reserve Bank. The biblical principles of land and people, land in tribal perpetuity, and non-usury against a member of the nation were deliberately perverted for the advantage of the national enemies.

Preventing Usury Tactics

Defending The Patriarchs

The Religious Doctrine of Land and People

In ancient days, Israel was a unique, genetic group and a nation. However, even the re-establishment of the nation of Israel has been perverted also. Biblically, the nation of Israel can not lawfully accept biological impostors (pariah-mongrels) as heirs of the patriarchs: The Law. Actually, a large per cent of the country are biologically outcast status according to Ezran deportation identification methods and righteousness; however, genealogically there are no known Hebrews in the land of modern Israel today. Pre-WW II Germany attempted such racially homogeneous (although not specifically in the patrilineal sense) doctrine of its own people, but the internationalist-misled world in its ignorance and passivity fought against Christian favor, prosperity and the concept of racial purity development. Now, the descendants of Northern Europe, wherever they may be, are struggling to keep their progeny unpolluted.

Samaritan Woman at the Well: Genetic Differentiation Between Hebrew and Non-Hebrew

Ezran Racial Homogeneity: Covenant of Ezra

Unique Genetic Group: Racial Homogeneity

God's Command

Land in Tribal Perpetuity: The Basis for Existence and Inheritance of Particular Tribes (Nu. 36:5-13)
(Intra-tribal Economy: The Value Standard Is Directly Related to the Produce and Expenses of the Land)

The reason our people have been displaced and dispossessed in the USA is because our religious and political leaders failed to promote biblical finance principles. First, through perpetual inheritance laws, even as Israel (through God's command) made laws for its Semitic tribes, if our country had legally disallowed our American Northern European (non-Semitic, but favored through the New Covenant) tribes from being displaced and our land from being sold to unassimilating foreigners we would not be in such a predicament: border-crossers would not have been able to buy our land and displace us. Second, they should have also legally prevented interest-earning, usury-based finance (especially disallowing the institution of non-Northern-European organizations such as the Federal Reserve Bank). Since land would have had to be purchased only among our own people and by other means than interest-paying credit, we would have been able to favorably manage the properties and institutions, and to restrict the control of real assets of the country in our hands.

Tribal Perpetuity

Homogeneous Community

Positive Eugenics, Race And Demographics Engineering

Josephus, Torah And Homogeneity

Beware: Sub-racial Differentiation Passivity

Christian Jubilean Finance System: Land Held Perpetually for Heirs

A self-preserving financial system and techniques of providing for our people's schooling and living needs could have been introduced without diminishing our prosperity and posterity. Now we hardly can own and enjoy anything without intrusion from peoples of other lands. It is not likely that we have the collective racial discipline to turn things around.

American lawlessness has further protruded to destroy the divine rights as to the family social structure once permitted in this country.
Intra-tribal (intra-racial) and inter-tribal (inter-racial) laws and ethics as to providing for one's family and posterity are required to preserve a people from financial and moral devastation; this can be seen through the commandments of Moses: "these laws and commandments (Nu. 36:5-13) protected the inheritance of the people of Israel. From this, it can be deduced that a righteous nation should protect the inheritance of its people even to the extent of intratribal segregation." Intratribal laws are small parts or building blocks of the larger set of laws, or tribal laws, of the Bible.
On the other hand, contrary to tribal laws and ethics, are the other-tribal influences, or Philistine antagonism. In contrast to tribal segregation, see Ne. 10:30 concerning laws with other tribes (peoples of different, patrilineal biology and culture). Our nation has been subverted and lost its longing for insight from the Old Testament books as a guideline. We are paying a tremendous price for passivity. Our lack of knowledge (of God's things) and dignity has given our enemies an opportunity to corrupt and pervert us. Many of our women have been devastated. We have been continually insulted and deprived through desovereignization tactics. Now, the Philistine-inclined races are taking advantage of the heirs of the founders of the USA in economic, social, and basic fundamental rights as to inheritance.

Learn Christian Non-debt Finance

Jewish Usury Plot

Don't Act Like a Debt Slave!

Anti-Church Finance Schemes (Usury) Should Not Have Been Tolerated to Creep into Our Government
Dt. 23:19, 20 Interest and Usury: Same Thing

The word "interest" or "usury" is interchangeable in these particular verses. The derivative is the Hebrew word "naw-shak'." The Psalmist commends, "Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He ... who lends his money without usury .... will never be shaken (Ps. 15:1-5). My Oxford dictionary defines "usury" as:
"1. The fact or practice of lending money at interest; esp. in later use, the practice of charging excessive or illegal rates of interest for money on a loan.
2. Premium or interest on money (or goods) lent."

Prevent Usury Tactics

Inter-Christian-Group Credit Allowed, But No Interest-paying

(1) this charge (interest) should be excluded in loans to Christians;
(2) and Christians should resist and reject loan temptations from
non-Christian individuals and institutions;
(3) and even if the case may be that both parties are Christians and only
Christians, the loan should be without interest and not extend beyond a
period of seven years.

Interest-earning as an Advantage to God's People (Old Testament View)

Long ago, in BC times, before the luxurious and holy kingdom of our glorious King David was established, God had given land and inheritance laws, among financial and other beneficial rules, to his followers.

Tribal Laws, Demographics and Inheritance

There Should Be No Poor Among You' (Dt. 15:4)

New Covenant

No-interest-earning: The Rule for Today (New Testament View)/
New Covenant Changes upon Finance

Formerly, it was not dishonorable gain for a Jew to charge a Gentile interest on a loan: At that time the Jews were God's chosen and favored people. However, the believing and obedient Gentiles were given an entrance into the New Covenant as God's chosen and favored people when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, made a sacrifice by his death for all men. These OT laws, and NT. changes along with the acknowledgment of believing Gentiles as God's people, were remembered by pious, church leaders and the reverent Gentiles.

Christians are under grace, not under the law. The Scriptures had to be fulfilled concerning the new covenant that God said he shall make with his people: "The time is coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with Israel and Judah" (Je. 31:31 [NEB]). And also: "God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (Jn. 4:24 [NEB]). This new covenant was brought into effect and established by Jesus. The new covenant is better than the old one--fulfilling the Old Testament laws rather than destroying them. New covenant teachings repeal some old testament laws and practices, and extend others, for instance: Sacrifices and gifts were perfected by the sacrifice of Jesus obtaining eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:10-12); turning the other cheek (active piety by means of non-retaliation, not passivity) rather than "a tooth for a tooth" (Mt. 5:38); cf. Ex. 21:24; allowing all meat to be eaten (including pork) rather than only specified meat (Acts 10:11); cf. 1 Tim. 4:5, Lv. 11:7, and II Maccabees 6:18 of the Apocrypha--see the New English Bible; also note the glorious virtue to abide within the O.T. covenant regulations at the cost of their lives (6:18-7:42); the Jews are no longer required to keep feast days and celebrations (Col. 2:16); cf. Ps. 81:3-5, Ne. 10:32, 33; circumcision of the flesh is no longer required (Acts 15:9); cf. Gn. 17:10, Acts 15:1; etc.

Future Israel and Homogeneity Inspiration


Community Models

The prophecy-fulfilling, new covenant resulted in a great change in financial aspects toward Gentiles. The contrasting works of love of the Gentiles with the works of evil of the hateful Jews were proof that God had spread his favor among the nations. To the loss of the greedy, disbelieving and corrupt Jews, who did not accept God's new covenant and the faithful Gentiles as God's people, Christians were warned not to allow the Jews or anyone else to take advantage of them through interest-earning any longer. Church officials were expected to live exemplary lives. The Council of Nicaea, Canon # 17 called for the revocation of an office of a church official if he made any money "dishonorable gain", no matter how slight, upon charging interest.

Throughout the early centuries the problem of dishonorable gain and interest-earning was dealt with a strong hand by order of church authority, and the people prospered by this obedience. Although it has been said that Calvin rationalized the no-interest-earning virtue, Martin Luther continued in faithfulness.

However, the church still had economic-social problems. The productivity of the people may have been hindered by lack of love and closeness as a community brotherhood. Some were very wealthy and others perhaps very poor, lacking community balance. This may have led the people to accept others' economic ideas or temptations, and evidence may be deduced by the loss of subjugation and control of interest-earning groups such as pseudo-religious anti-Christians and the modern “Jewish”, who practice some of the Torah but are not the same people as the patrilineal Hebrews/Jews. Economic heresy, interest-earning, and eventually, as we experience today, capitalism became part of the West's religious and economic dogma. This resulted in Christian-spreading peoples of various lands to be influenced, if not controlled financially, by their adversaries, and dragged into needless wars.

The learned unhappy, desperate Jewish proselyte and anti-Northern-European-American, anti-conservative knew from history that a church-guided society was not to the benefit of their pernicious desires. (Search Abner and Spain.) In late centuries such protagonists have worked great destruction among us, even promoting blatant immorality as a weapon against Christian leadership. The vile, abominable, God's-wrath-bringing, lowered estate of our penitentiaries is a manifestation of this horrible, negative form of warfare at the promotion of forced uncleanliness in our institutions and degradation of disciplinary control. Recently, there was a court order for a Ten Commandments monument to be taken down. Such perfidious symptoms are a warning of the coming punishment and persecution of those who cherish Torahian or Christian veneration. This type of political and legal adversity in our state system may not directly benefit the enemy, except for the fact that it destroys long-envied and hated, Christian hegemony and church influence upon the state. America is at the brink of destruction.

Our Community Model

Global Control VS Community

Test Your Finance Knowledge

Natural Emotional Desire: Our Common Goals (Jacobian Prosperity: Homogeneous Race), Not Jewish Internationalist Goals (Esau Prosperity: Inter-breeding with Diverse Races)

One of the greatest, modern financiers, actually a political leader, was Adolf Hitler. The unwarranted demonization of this man by the anti-Christian, controlled media and their proselytes has prevented much of the public from acknowledging many of his masteries. He successfully implemented an economic and social system that defied impending, Jewish international financial control of his nation. (America has been enveloped by the very danger.) He reproved economic seductivity through disallowing the continuance of interest-paying programs. He annulled forced interest-payments that were devastating his land by anti-Christian treatise. He remedied and fought against the old, Jewish economic-advantage tactic and economic-slavery crisis with the political theory, "positive Christianity" and revived the no-interest-earning finance doctrine on a state level that had been displaced through theological and political negligence, rationalization and deviation for decades.

Furthermore, he resolved the community-closeness and productivity situation with social reconstruction idealism and the Reich. His failure was due to not recognizing the sovereignty of God and His people (Christian rule) although he was not as cold hearted as willful Church-hating Russians and the Allies, not that he did not acknowledge there was a God. He also established a social norm for group productivity and benefit: "The common interest before self-interest"2.

Hitler resisted the military control mechanism of a corrupt, omni-frontier-enclosing, diverse, anti-church and anti-Gentile, detrimental-to-homogeneous-culture, once forbidden, credit-finance system: the New World Order.

Racial Homogeneity Goals

Controlled Media

Understanding Propaganda

The War Continues

Calvinist Anti-Christian Spin

Understanding Economic Propaganda:
The World Recognizes the Wonderful Power of Jewish Media Control
And the Error of Churchill/Roosevelt/Truman/Eisenhower Race Abdication

Whites were noticeably, much more politically and financially dominant before WW II, even though the deterioration had begun before WW I. American politics had been strongly infiltrated by non-founder-heir, special-interest individuals in high places in our government. Consequently, the USA was dissuaded to uphold the ideal of "no-sting" economy recovery and Germany's remarkable performance. Germany wanted friendship with the USA. Our country made a mistake by retaliating against her, an envied rival of England and other financially infected-at-the-core and influenced nations. Germany did not attack the USA, Japan did. Brother was misdirected to fight against brother, Anglo Saxon against Nordic, both descendants of our unique and fair race from Northern Europe. The whole time our enemies were devising how to politically and legally hamstring and destroy our posterity further.

The Northern European founded countries have suffered significant loss in increments of their potential for self-determination. The white Ally nations won the war but surrendered a large portion of their integrity and ability for future autonomy, a critical element for prosperity and posterity -- it was a white-race-abdicating and self-defeating catastrophe to the glory of the church-hating Talmudicist.

As a result, today, white men in America must give preference to people of other nations for a position of employment, schooling, or other opportunity that belongs to the founder heir. America has been turned into a stock, share and interest-earning playground for outsiders, and only few realize that this loss is largely due to successful, pre-WW II propaganda and antagonism of those against earlier, church financial doctrine and principles.

Homogeneous Community


Our Reconstruction: Religion, Not Politics

Our need is religious. Political change is too distant now as the nation has wandered too far to expect restoration, and it is not the most feasible elementary, significant, fundamental means of benefiting our existence. We are not required to belong to a political party at all, whether it be an anti-neo-conservative democratic, national socialistic or any other church-favoring state-controlling form.

Our demand is autonomy: spiritually providing for our families so as we may live and reproduce without being afflicted and corrupted by the Talmudicist, and anti-Christian adversaries. We must put God's commandments and grace in our hearts and in all our philosophy. We must individually care about our collective survival. We also must forbid economic heresy; and to remedy our afflicted economic situation, we must avoid the entrapment of non-Christian credit temptations luring many into paying dishonorable gain.

We must initiate our enterprise through working (note the idea of Pflichterfüllung), giving or sharing among ourselves. Perhaps, eventually, we may possibly develop our own group barter system. The important thing is not how much we possess, but that we love one another and work not only for the benefit of self but for the benefit of one another and people of God.

Community Group Model

Thought and Values Differences

Things We Can Do: Develop Christian Community (Theodemocratic Living)

Work in groups. Make sure you know the tenets of the organization before you make agreements with them.
There is only one church--believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have no need to join a denomination.

Avoid Charging and Paying Interest

Principles to Remember

Therefore, here are some simple basic steps to follow to keep you from falling into debt or charging interest or things that bring guilt:

·         Avoid interest-earning accounts: This includes stocks, bonds, savings, etc.

·         You may also use a debit card, instead of a credit card. The debit card uses money you already have, not money you don't have. You may keep the amount at a petty level and open another non-interest-earning account for the remainder that can't be withdrawn with your debit card. When you need more money, just personally go to the bank and transfer it.

·         Avoid paying dishonorable gain for an automobile; purchase through a one-time cash payment. Save through a no-interest-earning checking account because it is not safe to keep money at home.

·         Avoiding paying dishonorable gain for a home or place to live; purchase through a one-time cash payment. Save through investing in assets or putting your money in a safe, non-interesting-earning account.

To bring finance to perfection does not necessarily require a doctorate, but it does require knowledge of Christian finance principles.


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Why we promote racial and cultural homogeneity: Press here. A person may survive a car wreck and have like children afterward, but a person that has sex with another race destroys the genetic purity possibility of their offspring; physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out.

The first century Samaritans, formerly part of the ten tribes, had a displacement problem with the Assyrians and many lost their genetic inheritance. The Hebrews eventually lost theirs too. America and its original democracy was not orignially intended to be Babelized. We must avoid the generational curse.

Jesus is our hope.

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